2008. 11. 20. 15:31ㆍJava
Apache Derby 같은경우 디폴트 값을 찍어보니 2 가 나왔다. 즉
4. Choose optimal isolation level
Isolation level represent how a database maintains data integrity against the problems like dirty reads, phantom reads and non-repeatable reads which can occur due to concurrent transactions. java.sql.Connection interface provides methods and constants to avoid the above mentioned problems by setting different isolation levels.
public interface Connection {
// 데이터 베이스 자체에서 지원 못함.
public static final int TRANSACTION_NONE = 0
public static final int TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED = 2
public static final int TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 1
public static final int TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ = 4
public static final int TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE = 8
int getTransactionIsolation();
void setTransactionIsolation(int isolationlevelconstant);
You can get the existing isolation level with getTransactionIsolation() method and set the isolation level with setTransactionIsolation(int isolationlevelconstant) by passing above constants to this method.
The following table describes isolation level against the problem that it prevents :
Transaction Level | Permitted Phenomena | Performance impact | ||
Dirty reads | Non Repeatable reads | Phantom reads | ||
YES means that the Isolation level does not prevent the problem
NO means that the Isolation level prevents the problem
By setting isolation levels, you are having an impact on the performance as mentioned in the above table. Database use read and write locks to control above isolation levels. Let us have a look at each of these problems and then look at the impact on the performance.
Dirty read problem :
The following figure illustrates Dirty read problem :
Step 1: Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 10
Step 2: Connection1 starts Transaction1 (T1) .
Step 3: Connection2 starts Transaction2 (T2) .
Step 4: T1 updates PRICE =20 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 5: Database has now PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 6: T2 reads PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 7: T2 commits transaction
Step 8: T1 rollbacks the transaction because of some problem
The problem is that T2 gets wrong PRICE=20 for PRODUCT = A001 instead of 10 because of uncommitted read. Obviously it is very dangerous in critical transactions if you read inconsistent data. If you are sure about not accessing data concurrently then you can allow this problem by setting TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED or TRANSACTION_NONE that in turn improves performance otherwise you have to use TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED to avoid this problem.
Unrepeatable read problem :
The following figure illustrates Unrepeatable read problem :
Step 1: Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 10
Step 2: Connection1 starts Transaction1 (T1) .
Step 3: Connection2 starts Transaction2 (T2) .
Step 4: T1 reads PRICE =10 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 5: T2 updates PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 6: T2 commits transaction
Step 7: Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 20
Step 8: T1 reads PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001
Step 9: T1 commits transaction
Here the problem is that Transaction1 reads 10 first time and reads 20 second time but it is supposed to be 10 always whenever it reads a record in that transaction. You can control this problem by setting isolation level as TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ.
Phantom read problem :
The following figure illustrates Phantom read problem :
Step 1: Database has a row PRODUCT = A001 and COMPANY_ID = 10
Step 2: Connection1 starts Transaction1 (T1) .
Step 3: Connection2 starts Transaction2 (T2) .
Step 4: T1 selects a row with a condition SELECT PRODUCT WHERE COMPANY_ID = 10
Step 5: T2 inserts a row with a condition INSERT PRODUCT=A002 WHERE
Step 6: T2 commits transaction
Step 7: Database has 2 rows with that condition
Step 8: T1 select again with a condition SELECT PRODUCT WHERE COMPANY_ID=10
and gets 2 rows instead of 1 row
Step 9: T1 commits transaction
Here the problem is that T1 gets 2 rows instead of 1 row up on selecting the same condition second time. You can control this problem by setting isolation level as TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
Choosing a right isolation level for your program:
Choosing a right isolation level for your program depends upon your application's requirement. In single application itself the requirement generally changes, suppose if you write a program for searching a product catalog from your database then you can easily choose TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED because you need not worry about the problems that are mentioned above, some other program can insert records at the same time, you don't have to bother much about that insertion. Obviously this improves performance significantly.
If you write a critical program like bank or stocks analysis program where you want to control all of the above mentioned problems, you can choose TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE for maximum safety. Here it is the tradeoff between the safety and performance. Ultimately we need safety here.
If you don't have to deal with concurrent transactions your application, then the best choice is TRANSACTION_NONE to improve performance.
Other two isolation levels need good understanding of your requirement. If your application needs only committed records, then TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED isolation is the good choice. If your application needs to read a row exclusively till you finish your work, then TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ is the best choice.
Note: Be aware of your database server's support for these isolation levels. Database servers may not support all of these isolation levels. Oracle server supports only two isolation levels, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED and TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE isolation level, default isolation level is TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED.
5. Close Connection when finished
Closing connection explicitly allows garbage collector to recollect memory as early as possible. Remember that when you use the connection pool, closing connection means that it returns back to the connection pool rather than closing direct connection to the database.